
There are many ways to create interactive charts. Dash by Plotly enables Python developer to create interactive web apps without having to learn JavaScript and Front End Web development. Dash makes it simple to build a GUI for data analytics, modeling, and visualization.

Here is my example of using Dash to create interactive visualizations for the Covid-19 cases and vaccination using county-level data of New York State. There are two Covid data sources I used for this project: New York State Department of Health and Covid Act Now Org. Both provide APIs for public data access.

The GUI is finally deployed using Heroku cloud platform. The GUI contains three interactive figures:

  1. The percentage of fully vaccinated cases (2 shots completed) in the counties in New York State.
  2. Comparison of cumulative positive cases among NYS counties.
  3. Select your county of interest for its daily positive cases in the past three months.




Deployed app: covid-NYS.

Source code: covid-NYS-git